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REC Schedule 2 – Transition

See also: REC Schedules

The Transition Schedule sets out the obligations for users to cooperate with the design, build, test and implementation of systems relating to the Central Switching Service and defines the requirements for both the overall and Individual Programme Plans.

You can access this schedule with a Portal account on the Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR).


  1. Transitional Provisions
  2. Testing Phases Activities and Roles
  3. Data Migration
  4. Post Go Live
  5. Consolidation


Transitional Provisions

The transitional provisions described in this Schedule apply until Steady State Commencement Date has been met; this is the date and time that the Authority deems that all exit criteria have been met and the handover to steady state governance should take place.

Testing Phases Activities and Roles

The role of Programme Co-ordinator and System Integrator are described and the key activities for the Testing Phase under the E2E Testing Phases are outlined including Pre-Intregration Testing, Systems Integration Testing, User Integration Testing, Data Migration and Transition Testing, Operational Testing and Live Proving.

Data Migration

Data Migration and the requirement to comply with the E2E Data Migration Plan and the CSS Data Migration Plan are detailed in this Schedule as is the management of In Flight Switches.

Post Go Live

Defect Management and the Post Go-Live Date Requirements are also defined. 


A number of consolidated processes and procedures are also referenced in the Transition Schedule relating to Energy Theft Consolidation, DCUSA, BSC, Retail Code Consolidation covering SPAA and MRA and their respective transition schedules, Green DealSMICoP, and Codes of Practice for Meter Asset Managers, Approved Meter Installers and Meter Operators (Formerly known as MAMCoPAMICoP and MOCoPA).

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REC Schedule 1 – Interpretations and Definitions Previous

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